Sunday, March 29, 2009


Has your day, or week, or month, or year, or even LIFE ever been SO crammed that you can't have even a minute to yourself? Welcome to MY world! Of course, I exaggerated a bit when I said I didn't even have a minute to myself, but it certainly feels like it! My usual schedule for a normal school day is school, homework, piano, and probably sleep. I hardly have any time for anything else. So, knowing that this probably won't change for a while, maybe YOU could learn from this. DON'T cram your life up with things you know you won't have time for. Every day, I have homework, school, tennis, violin, piano, reading....etc etc etc. Most of the time, I don't even get to half of those things. What does that result in? You can do everything but you can't do anything, if that makes sense. The youth need time for themselves, because rest is vital and stress really destroys them.

In my life, I hardly ever have time for myself. Most of the time I am doing just what my parents insist on me doing, such as piano, or schoolwork. But life isn't just about working, working, and working. It should be balanced between work and play, so one won't feel so overwhelmed. When we get overwhelmed, we do worse on everything, which defeats the purpose of parents pushing you in the first place. A life where all you are doing is what others want you to isn't a life at all. It is like you're a robot, and people program you, giving you no choice or mind of your own. You do what they want you to do, and never finding joy at any time of any day.

Doing all the things I do really puts on a lot of stress. For example, this last week, there was the science olympiad state competition, and I spent the whole previous week calibrating my trajectory device. I didn't have ANY time to practice piano, and I had barely enough time to even do my homework. Now, if your time is taken up THAT much, then something is really wrong. It shouldn't be like that. You should be able to rest as much as you work, because without rest, your work will be meaningless, and unaffective. If you rest occasionally, or frequently, you will actally do much better than if you worked tediously non-stop.

So, I hope you can take my advice when I say, don't put to much onto your shoulders that you can't carry, because it will really bring you down. Do not cram your life and push your own time out of the picture. Find time to rest, because if you don't, the stress will build up more and more until you feel like you can't take it anymore. There should be an equal balance between hard work and rest, and we all need to understand that.

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