Monday, March 2, 2009

Comma Rules Essay - Television

Technology has taken its slow but deadly course, and something has crept into the society of the twenty-first century: television. Conquering the youth, television has taken over what was once hard-working, diligent, and responsible minds. Television, though millions could argue otherwise, is very destructive, because it wastes valuable time, can become very addictive, and it distracts individuals from school, work, and home.
According to the A.C. Neilson Co., the average daily household TV viewing is about eight hours, and the average American watches about four hours of TV every day. Do we have time to waste four hours every day staring at a TV screen? There are definitely more productive things to do!
Television is addictive. We all know that. Taylor Stoehr, from the University of Massachusetts, states, “The media function very much like drugs and alcohol, whether or not one thinks of them as addictive.” And she is absolutely correct. The youth of this country are, if not already, becoming severely addicted to television. Most kids are so addicted, that they are even willing to ignore the threat when their parents yell, “Turn that TV off and get to bed or you’re grounded!!”
Children and teens who are addicted to television are becoming more and more lazy when it comes to schoolwork. One of my teachers has exclaimed, “Students nowadays just don’t care anymore about schoolwork or grades!” It’s true. Television, and other factors, have affected the progress and performance of today’s students greatly. It’s time to take a stand.
As you can see, television is ruining the lives of the world, because it is so highly addictive and distracting! So the next time you are about to turn on the TV, think about what you are doing. It is not worth it to stare at a television screen and waste valuable and precious time, when you could be doing other, more productive activities!

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