Has your day, or week, or month, or year, or even LIFE ever been SO crammed that you can't have even a minute to yourself? Welcome to MY world! Of course, I exaggerated a bit when I said I didn't even have a minute to myself, but it certainly feels like it! My usual schedule for a normal school day is school, homework, piano, and probably sleep. I hardly have any time for anything else. So, knowing that this probably won't change for a while, maybe YOU could learn from this. DON'T cram your life up with things you know you won't have time for. Every day, I have homework, school, tennis, violin, piano, reading....etc etc etc. Most of the time, I don't even get to half of those things. What does that result in? You can do everything but you can't do anything, if that makes sense. The youth need time for themselves, because rest is vital and stress really destroys them.
In my life, I hardly ever have time for myself. Most of the time I am doing just what my parents insist on me doing, such as piano, or schoolwork. But life isn't just about working, working, and working. It should be balanced between work and play, so one won't feel so overwhelmed. When we get overwhelmed, we do worse on everything, which defeats the purpose of parents pushing you in the first place. A life where all you are doing is what others want you to isn't a life at all. It is like you're a robot, and people program you, giving you no choice or mind of your own. You do what they want you to do, and never finding joy at any time of any day.
Doing all the things I do really puts on a lot of stress. For example, this last week, there was the science olympiad state competition, and I spent the whole previous week calibrating my trajectory device. I didn't have ANY time to practice piano, and I had barely enough time to even do my homework. Now, if your time is taken up THAT much, then something is really wrong. It shouldn't be like that. You should be able to rest as much as you work, because without rest, your work will be meaningless, and unaffective. If you rest occasionally, or frequently, you will actally do much better than if you worked tediously non-stop.
So, I hope you can take my advice when I say, don't put to much onto your shoulders that you can't carry, because it will really bring you down. Do not cram your life and push your own time out of the picture. Find time to rest, because if you don't, the stress will build up more and more until you feel like you can't take it anymore. There should be an equal balance between hard work and rest, and we all need to understand that.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Around the dreadful age of teens, the youth do not realize that violence is not the answer! (Well, the guy teens anyways..the girls have their own type of fights XD) You hear stories of some kid insulting another this other kid, and how this other kid punched the first kid, which got the first kid mad, so the first kid had the latter kid in a headlock!! All for what?? Just some dumb insult! Is a mere insult, "Yo, you suck!", an excuse for a bruise, a scrape, and a weeks suspension from school? We need to realize that violence is not a good way to solve problems because it results in even more anger and the problem is worse than it was when it first started out.
In school, it's not that rare to hear someone say, "Dude, I hate that kid. I wanna beat him up." What sense is that??? I mean, would beating a kid you hate up solve anything? Never have I heard of a case (I would bet anything that anyone else has either) where some kid beat another kid up and the next day they were best friends! It just doesn't work that way. If you hate a kid, why don't you go and talk to him? It's save a lot more time, and it would be so much more effective than punching their nose into their brain. Golly, common sense, people! Whenever you get into a fight, your relationship with the other person or people just gets worse! Why would you go and do something that didn't benefit you? Sure, you get the pleasure of seeing them with a huge, bulging, pulpous eye the next day, but the only thing that will come out of it is anger, which may lead to even more violence and aggression. In my life, I haven't really HATED anyone. There were only a couple times where a kid annoyed me, but I didn't really think of starting a fight mainly because I knew the consequences would be a lot worse than if I just ignored him when he turned all obnoxious. Turns out, a couple years later, it all has passed. The kids moved on. The consequences that came out from ignoring the annoying, obnoxious kid are so much better than if I had slammed my fist into his face.
So, in conclusion, remember to think about what you're doing the next time that little dork of a punk comes and annoys you. It's better to ignore him than to get overly angry with him and start a fight. Let it pass, and you'll see that it doesn't really matter in the long run.
In school, it's not that rare to hear someone say, "Dude, I hate that kid. I wanna beat him up." What sense is that??? I mean, would beating a kid you hate up solve anything? Never have I heard of a case (I would bet anything that anyone else has either) where some kid beat another kid up and the next day they were best friends! It just doesn't work that way. If you hate a kid, why don't you go and talk to him? It's save a lot more time, and it would be so much more effective than punching their nose into their brain. Golly, common sense, people! Whenever you get into a fight, your relationship with the other person or people just gets worse! Why would you go and do something that didn't benefit you? Sure, you get the pleasure of seeing them with a huge, bulging, pulpous eye the next day, but the only thing that will come out of it is anger, which may lead to even more violence and aggression. In my life, I haven't really HATED anyone. There were only a couple times where a kid annoyed me, but I didn't really think of starting a fight mainly because I knew the consequences would be a lot worse than if I just ignored him when he turned all obnoxious. Turns out, a couple years later, it all has passed. The kids moved on. The consequences that came out from ignoring the annoying, obnoxious kid are so much better than if I had slammed my fist into his face.
So, in conclusion, remember to think about what you're doing the next time that little dork of a punk comes and annoys you. It's better to ignore him than to get overly angry with him and start a fight. Let it pass, and you'll see that it doesn't really matter in the long run.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Free to Bars
I was reading the news on my Wii the other night, and, unfortunately, in my point of view, any public person can now walk into a bar without registering.
In my opinion, I absolutely do NOT think this is a good idea. Before, people who wanted to enter a bar had to sign some papers and other stuff like that. But now, papers don't have to be signed, which means ANYONE can go into a bar!
Now there is a bigger chance of bad things happening. Do we really need the extra risk?
In my opinion, I absolutely do NOT think this is a good idea. Before, people who wanted to enter a bar had to sign some papers and other stuff like that. But now, papers don't have to be signed, which means ANYONE can go into a bar!
Now there is a bigger chance of bad things happening. Do we really need the extra risk?
Passion for Piano
This is an essay I did for a requirement for honors english:
Whenever I answer the question, "Hey, can you play today?" it always seems to be "No, I need to play piano." When hearing that, people always give me this look that means, "Wow, get a life!" They don't understand why I practice so much. I love producing music because it is a way to express myself, it is a form of communication that everyone understands, and it is a skill that will last forever.
Stress balls, meditation, and rest, are some of the many ways people use to control anger. But does music work as well? Absolutely. Having experienced much stress in my life, I have found that music is a fantastic remedy.
Being of Asian heritage, many peers ask me to translate something into Chinese. Wouldn't the world be a better place if we all spoke the same language? Music is that language, the one thing that ties this whole world together. when one plays piano, he or she knows that those listening will listen and understand. It is great to know that.
IPods, computers, and cell phones have dominated the world. But these things break: they cannot last forever. A skill, such as playing the piano, will stick with you for the rest of your life. It is something that you cannot break or lose.
Playing the piano is my passion because it expresses my feelings, can touch anyone of any background, and will stick with me until death. Music can touch one's life forever.
Whenever I answer the question, "Hey, can you play today?" it always seems to be "No, I need to play piano." When hearing that, people always give me this look that means, "Wow, get a life!" They don't understand why I practice so much. I love producing music because it is a way to express myself, it is a form of communication that everyone understands, and it is a skill that will last forever.
Stress balls, meditation, and rest, are some of the many ways people use to control anger. But does music work as well? Absolutely. Having experienced much stress in my life, I have found that music is a fantastic remedy.
Being of Asian heritage, many peers ask me to translate something into Chinese. Wouldn't the world be a better place if we all spoke the same language? Music is that language, the one thing that ties this whole world together. when one plays piano, he or she knows that those listening will listen and understand. It is great to know that.
IPods, computers, and cell phones have dominated the world. But these things break: they cannot last forever. A skill, such as playing the piano, will stick with you for the rest of your life. It is something that you cannot break or lose.
Playing the piano is my passion because it expresses my feelings, can touch anyone of any background, and will stick with me until death. Music can touch one's life forever.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Comma Rules Essay - Television
Technology has taken its slow but deadly course, and something has crept into the society of the twenty-first century: television. Conquering the youth, television has taken over what was once hard-working, diligent, and responsible minds. Television, though millions could argue otherwise, is very destructive, because it wastes valuable time, can become very addictive, and it distracts individuals from school, work, and home.
According to the A.C. Neilson Co., the average daily household TV viewing is about eight hours, and the average American watches about four hours of TV every day. Do we have time to waste four hours every day staring at a TV screen? There are definitely more productive things to do!
Television is addictive. We all know that. Taylor Stoehr, from the University of Massachusetts, states, “The media function very much like drugs and alcohol, whether or not one thinks of them as addictive.” And she is absolutely correct. The youth of this country are, if not already, becoming severely addicted to television. Most kids are so addicted, that they are even willing to ignore the threat when their parents yell, “Turn that TV off and get to bed or you’re grounded!!”
Children and teens who are addicted to television are becoming more and more lazy when it comes to schoolwork. One of my teachers has exclaimed, “Students nowadays just don’t care anymore about schoolwork or grades!” It’s true. Television, and other factors, have affected the progress and performance of today’s students greatly. It’s time to take a stand.
As you can see, television is ruining the lives of the world, because it is so highly addictive and distracting! So the next time you are about to turn on the TV, think about what you are doing. It is not worth it to stare at a television screen and waste valuable and precious time, when you could be doing other, more productive activities!
According to the A.C. Neilson Co., the average daily household TV viewing is about eight hours, and the average American watches about four hours of TV every day. Do we have time to waste four hours every day staring at a TV screen? There are definitely more productive things to do!
Television is addictive. We all know that. Taylor Stoehr, from the University of Massachusetts, states, “The media function very much like drugs and alcohol, whether or not one thinks of them as addictive.” And she is absolutely correct. The youth of this country are, if not already, becoming severely addicted to television. Most kids are so addicted, that they are even willing to ignore the threat when their parents yell, “Turn that TV off and get to bed or you’re grounded!!”
Children and teens who are addicted to television are becoming more and more lazy when it comes to schoolwork. One of my teachers has exclaimed, “Students nowadays just don’t care anymore about schoolwork or grades!” It’s true. Television, and other factors, have affected the progress and performance of today’s students greatly. It’s time to take a stand.
As you can see, television is ruining the lives of the world, because it is so highly addictive and distracting! So the next time you are about to turn on the TV, think about what you are doing. It is not worth it to stare at a television screen and waste valuable and precious time, when you could be doing other, more productive activities!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Persuasive Essay
As practice for my english class, we had to come up with an essay and have it scored by computer means. I'll try my best to recollect and write what I composed...the issue was this: The legislature is thinking about passing a bill regarding requiring one to earn a high school diploma in order to receive their driver's license.
Many teens have died in car accidents. In fact, teens have the higher tendency then any other age group in getting into car accidents. Why is that? Teens are still young, which means they haven't yet developed their responsibility enough to understand the risks of driving. For these reasons, I praise your decision in requiring pre-graduates to earn their diploma before driving. This bill should be passed because teens are still young and careless, the goal of driving could push students to study harder, and because no one has the right to put other lives in jeapeordy.
First of all, the youth are still young. Most teens cannot grasp the fact that driving, though fun, can be extremely dangerous. They need time to become more responsible, and going through high school will do just that. Young teens can be reckless, and they sometimes can lose control. But not only can passing this bill lower the risk of crashes, but it could also benefit other causes.
Imagine your average teenager. We all know that one of every teenager's dreams is to finally be able to sit in the driver's seat, kick the pedal, and let it rip!! But, if with the new bill, the students would have to work hard and earn their high school diploma. If they don't, then there goes their hopes of driving. Students would work harder, fearing not being able to graduate from high school, and not driving.
Lastly, letting teens drive before they are ready not only could severly injure or kill themselves, but would also affect the innocent lives of others. It isn't fair to lose one's life because some careless teenagers were messing around at the steering wheel. No one has the right to jearpeordize innocent lives!
So, in conclusion, I hope you go forward with this bill, and I sincerely hope it will pass. This is the right thing to do because letting the youth drive at this young of an age could be risky, and it could help in the studies and grades of the students. The passing of this bill would ensure greater security and safety of the public, and I support you in your decision.
Many teens have died in car accidents. In fact, teens have the higher tendency then any other age group in getting into car accidents. Why is that? Teens are still young, which means they haven't yet developed their responsibility enough to understand the risks of driving. For these reasons, I praise your decision in requiring pre-graduates to earn their diploma before driving. This bill should be passed because teens are still young and careless, the goal of driving could push students to study harder, and because no one has the right to put other lives in jeapeordy.
First of all, the youth are still young. Most teens cannot grasp the fact that driving, though fun, can be extremely dangerous. They need time to become more responsible, and going through high school will do just that. Young teens can be reckless, and they sometimes can lose control. But not only can passing this bill lower the risk of crashes, but it could also benefit other causes.
Imagine your average teenager. We all know that one of every teenager's dreams is to finally be able to sit in the driver's seat, kick the pedal, and let it rip!! But, if with the new bill, the students would have to work hard and earn their high school diploma. If they don't, then there goes their hopes of driving. Students would work harder, fearing not being able to graduate from high school, and not driving.
Lastly, letting teens drive before they are ready not only could severly injure or kill themselves, but would also affect the innocent lives of others. It isn't fair to lose one's life because some careless teenagers were messing around at the steering wheel. No one has the right to jearpeordize innocent lives!
So, in conclusion, I hope you go forward with this bill, and I sincerely hope it will pass. This is the right thing to do because letting the youth drive at this young of an age could be risky, and it could help in the studies and grades of the students. The passing of this bill would ensure greater security and safety of the public, and I support you in your decision.
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